Hi Everyone,
Just a reminder that Meet the Coaches and Clearance Night is Wednesday March 4 at 7pm at PSHS.
Please make sure that you do the following:
1) Sign Up on Family ID. This MUST happen before the first day of tryouts. Follow the link below:
https://www.familyid.com/organizations/plymouth-south-high-school2) Obtain an updated Physical. Your physical is valid for 13 months from the date you were examined. If your physical expires before the end of the season, you will need to obtain a new one.
Please bring a copy of your physical to Meet the Coaches/Clearance night to be safe.
3) User Fee – The user fee is $135 and can be paid ONLINE if you follow the above link. You can also pay at Clearance Night. Checks/Money Orders can be made to the Town of Plymouth.
If there is a financial hardship, a note must be submitted in writing (not typed) to Scott Fry, the Athletic Director, that requests a waiver for the season.
Uniforms cannot be distributed to an athlete until a user fee has been paid OR a request for a waiver has been submitted to the athletic department.
4) Rule Changes – Catchers: I posted this information a few months back, but just a reminder that the state of MA has adopted NFHS rules for baseball. Catchers can no longer use the 2 piece cap/mask and must use the one piece or hockey style mask that protects the throat. IMPORTANT: catchers gear must have the NOSCAE stamp (almost all do now). Please see me directly if there any questions on this.
Thanks everyone and see you all Wednesday night!
Coach Fust
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